Online class is a new scheme for students to continue their education and to continue learning without using the physical classroom. It is something where students and teachers meets virtually, where they can have lectures that is live with course of reading and text with the synthesis of video recording. This was first perpetrate when corona virus becomes a crisis, where it affects the whole world that leads to become a pandemic. Through this new strategy of learning, we can continue our classes or our education for both students and teachers amidst the pandemic that we are currently experiencing.

In present time, both students and teachers are engage in this new scheme of learning which is the online class. When corona virus takes place in our world, a lot of changes happened not just in our environment but also in our lives. And because of that we do a lot of adjustment and it was announced that today’s time we do now have a “new normal”. For all of us, it is not easy to have a sudden adjustment because we are not ready and things happened in a blink of an eye, so that is why we are battling in having changes. Because of corona virus we are not allowed to gather or to have a physical interaction with other people and social distancing is a must and that’s why face to face classes was stop. In order for students to continue their education, we found ways for students to continue learning amidst the pandemic and one of the method is to have an online class. Having an online class is quite tough for both teachers and students because there are also a lot of challenges that you are going to encounter. Some students are having trouble in having an online class especially those who lives in provinces because it is necessary for them to have a good internet connection so that you can catch up while having a virtual meeting. Both students and teachers are having a hard time in applying the scheme which is the online class because we are not used to it and it is far from face to face and there are also a lot of changes in order for students to learn in the live lectures, at the same time for teachers to give live lectures using video recording. Some challenges that we encountered in having virtual meetings are poor internet connection, poor battery life of the gadgets being used, can’t focus while having a virtual meeting because of the noisy place you are in and so on, but amidst these challenges we are still able to cope and capable to adjust in online classes.

Education is very important for every individual because it is a key to a successful future. No viruses can stop us from learning, amidst the pandemic we are still eager to continue to learn and to have classes. Because of online class, we can go to school without going to the physical classroom and we can spend most of our time in our home with our family that we love. COVID 19 has its negative side and positive side; the negative side is the unpleasant changes such as; sudden increase of mortality rates around the globe, loss of poverty rates, hunger and many more. But COVID isn’t all that bad after all, they say, a coin has two face – if the tails are bad, you can always flip to see and appreciate the brighter heads. Lockdown, helped us appreciate and treasure our loved ones more, it made our bonds stronger, united us in some ways and also help us to realize that there is always a solution in every problem that we go through.
For more knowledge, these links might help!!