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There are 60 seconds in 1 minute, 60 minutes in 1 hour, 24 hours in 1 day. 7 days in a week, 4 weeks in a month, and 12 months a year. In the 21 years of my life, I noticed that the time we spend in the past will help our present and our present will help us in our future. So; May I ask you -- What do people think about financially incapable person? In layman's term, poor people.

First let me define it. One example of these are the beggars wanting some money when we pass by them at the streets. When it usually happens, we can't deny that some of us felt scared or irritated by them, and we intend to think of them as a problem in community.

We can change this mindset as a student and be a model to our community by helping these financially unfortunate people. Try to think of a better use of your gadgets and post their stories on social media to earn a financial aid from your friends. These things are not impossible if you use your ideas in a right way. With this, you will be able to help and at the same time to meet new friends. Many youtube vloggers like Ivana Alawi do this.

A simple helping hands can be a great help for them. So when you are passing by some beggars, instead of thinking how they can be a problem for you, think of how you can help them even in a small ways. With this, you'll be a great example for the community and may be, YOU can change lives.

We must improve ourselves in understanding their situation. Downgrading them more would only cause actions or painful words that may hurt them. If we want change in our community, we must change 'ourselves' first.

"You must be the change you want to see the world."

This is a quote that inspires me to do better in my home, school and even in community. I believe that the change we expect in our surroundings also depends on our own actions. We must be a model for the young generations next to us. Some of us are afraid in changes, (I don't know why?) but let me change this his perception. Changes don't come easy, but when we do this with little steps when we look back at the improvements by time - you'll notice how big the improvement is.

A simple task of not throwing any garbage you have no matter how small it is; can be a huge contribution in observing cleanliness in the community. It does not only keep your surroundings clean, it can also help the street cleaners/sweepers that have a low income.

Always remember! they are working for you, beating the hot sunlight and rains everyday just to clean our surroundings.

Salute for them -- It is an action that helps those who are working hard to keep our city clean. BUT RECIEVES NOT MUCH OF A MONEY TO FEED THEIR FAMILY. Their salary are not even enough to buy a one whole chicken of Chooks To Go for his/her family for lunch everyday.

We must remember that the ones who needs our helps are those people who works hard but only have less salary than the average people. Those people people that are financially unfortunate/disabled are the ones the we must give our most respect and understanding.

The examples that I have given to you earlier are the manifestations that a simple idea and discipline towards ourselves are simple actions but it can have a huge impact towards the lives of those who are in need. Just remember, take small steps to achieve big changes or should you call it dreams.

© To the rightful owner of the images I use in this blog.

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