Corona Virus, also known as COVID-19, is an infectious disease that affects people's respiratory systems and causes illness. It has a significant impact on everyone's life. This virus affects people of all ages, genders, races, and religions. Every day, we put in a lot of effort to combat this. Many people's lives were taken from us. Many students suffered academically, many employees suffered financially, many opportunities were taken away or delayed from people, and many families suffered from hunger and poverty. Many businesses were forced to close due to bankruptcy, and many frontline workers tirelessly combat the illness in order to aid people while being away from their families and loved ones.
We are currently dealing with the Corona Virus. People are losing their jobs as a result of the pandemic, and many poor Filipino workers are having a difficult time feeding and providing for their family needs. Because of the multiple lockdowns, many individuals are forced to stay at home to isolate and protect themselves from the virus, and their everyday expenses are rising as well as their exceptional expenses, as they must purchase sanitizer, alcohol, a mask, a face shield, and an emergency medicine to secure their health. With this dilemma, we are unable to carry on with our normal lives as we did in the past. Many restrictions are being implemented by the government to prevent the virus from spreading like wildfire. To avoid moving from one country to another, airports and terminals are closed.

Many people infected with Corona Virus are overcrowded in hospitals. Frontline responders in the Philippines are short on staff, facilities, and equipment to detect and combat the infection. According to The Philippines Health System Review published by WHO in 2018, "there were 23 beds per 10 000 individuals in the National Capital Region, and this number is less than ten per 10 000 individuals for the rest of the country. Public and privately owned health systems are supposed to be complementary in health-care service delivery, but no effective measure exists to regulate the expanding private sector, leading to a high amount of out-of-pocket expenses for health care; for example, more than half of total health spending was out-of-pocket in 2018. The COVID-19 pandemic puts further pressure on the fragmented public health system. Along with this fragmentation, the insufficient response from the government has resulted in a delay in contact tracing and mass testing, an overwhelmed medical system, and slow vaccine roll-out."
All governments, health organizations, and other authorities are putting their efforts on finding Corona Virus patients. These days, healthcare practitioners encounter numerous challenges in sustaining healthcare quality. The humanity is in the grip of a COVID-19 pandemic, which has created chaos and forever impacted human life. Long after the infection has died down, its impact and possible implications will be felt. I hope, on the other hand, is a great healer in times like this. In the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, humanity is united, and life will undoubtedly triumph.