Basically people of the Philippines are watching from years to years for the election wherein is a part of a law under the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines- Article V or also know as the freedom of suffrage (https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/constitutions/the-1987-constitution-of-the-republic-of-the-philippines/the-1987-constitution-of-the-republic-of-the-philippines-article-v/) and therefore people are inferior to participate in voting for the candidates they are choosing or desire to be elected in a particular role in the government. One of the policies to citizen are required to register from 18 years old and above to participate this freedom of suffrage or right to vote, and those who have not yet register should be registering to exercise their will, and rights in selecting their candidates to run the government likewise the agenda of the candidates are imposing the welfare of the Filipino people using their plataporma to see to it they are better, deserving, and capable of changing or develop the country and help the Filipino citizen.

The upcoming Election 2022 in the Philippines. There are some points to identify on how the election may be implemented in a proper way, by having Philippine election 2022 registration this is one of the motivators are always monitoring through television and radio to participate this registration to those who reach the age or qualified age of 18 years old and above (https://blog.sulit.ph/voter-registration-requirements-guide-and-tips/amp/).
This registration is one way to know the population of every population in the barangay community or society as a whole, the opinion of every individuals about this election 2022 if you look into this there are many who also run for presidency for us to select the best, which are really dedicated to their works and their promises to the people and for the development of the country. Although the five months before this election will happen however then the people are curious to find out who are really among those running politicians will govern the country and make a huge impact through it’s term of being officially elected for that role.

In addition to this is how the system of election in the Philippines will be handled for the reasons that the previous election in the Philippines, allegedly there are many or some of the candidates that task to the voters to vote for them, there are many anomaly like vote buying and other crimes where in the people cannot participate or will participate just to help a particular candidate to win, they are clusters especially in the province constant blackouts during the counting of votes just to disturb the voting day and makes the machines unusable. When this happen the people are alarming about this coming election 2022 on how the government set the proper and correct procedure of handling an election in the Philippines. (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://aceproject.org/main/samples/ei/eix_c055.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj88uXdvcH0AhWUPpQKHZ0WCNUQFnoECCAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3PDfscW4A_HEVWElBJ-eRN). Therefore we can assume that a committee at this election must have a team of every community to watch the states of election using their online cameras to know that there are no cheating in the voting day to be implemented, the use of their computer are effective in counting the votes of the citizen ensuring that every vote will be handled carefully and strictly with no cheating. And as a Filipino it is your rights to vote the candidate that you think is deserving, qualified, and effective for the role that he/she is running for to help also the government to develop the country and help back the citizens of the Philippines.
