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Writer's pictureJenny Ann Torino

PWD: Disabilities are not Hindrance it's a source of Hope and Courage

Disability, these are problem and qualities that affect a persons life to function and meet their needs. Having problem in body to functions normally is extremely difficult to overcome certain situations, but not for those courageous disabled people. It's quite difficult to deal with them because of what they have been through, they are sensitive people that easily get hurt from what others could actually think about them.

Persons with disability doesn’t mean they can’t do what others can do, they are disabled people but can-do things what an able person can do, not necessarily how a normal person does they can still do it in their own way. People with disabilities needs proper health care like any other normal people to stay healthy and productive. They are vulnerable people who needs proper care to be able to function and become part of the community, disabled people often experience discrimination and criticism from those normal people that could lead them to lose their confidence. Having disabilities doesn’t mean they are not part of the community and just let them feel like they’re not belong, although there are several limitations and barriers that hinder them to function effectively in the society where they can’t participate in various activities that normal people could do.

Disabilities is just a disability for some disabled people it takes determination and courage for people with disability to functions and be able to stand on their own. It is not easy to move or make things like normal people do, most of disabled people twice the effort of a normal people just to make their task or daily activity. They say that life is easy, yes, it is but for those people with special needs it is kind of hard, because they always double their efforts to finish their different task every single day. Looking with people that has disabilities makes you feel teary and pity them, but still, they can manage to help themselves in any circumstances. They can prove that disabilities are not hindrance to achieve their dreams and goals in life, because of their dreams they are able to show of the world that their courage is incomparable.

These disabled people always an inspiration to anybody who feel anxious and down in life, they show hope and courage that anyone can turn impossible things into possible. They might look weak physically, but they are brave inside to fight every day and keep on moving and experiencing new challenge in life, in their situation we can see hope in them they will teach and let us see that if they can make things possible, we can also do it because we normal people are completely find and more capable of doing it.

They could live a normal life like any other do if people around them will accept and appreciates their special conditions because people with disabilities can be at higher risk for injuries and abuse. Family and friends, these are people who support and protect them, but unfortunately sometimes they can be also the source of and violence aside from the people that they interact with.

Building strong foundation and addressing the basic needs of these disabled people is such needed for them to feel that despite their deficiency in life they can still live like they are unique from anybody else. Everyone is blessed whatever he/she has, disabled or abled people we are people who live in this world we might have different physical or mental functions all of us deserves to be treated fairly.


Ali Mohammed Yaseen AI Hashemi (0ctober 2018) People with special needs,

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Different Types of Disabilities: list o 21 Disabilities. (n.d)

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