To start with Mental health has a scope on our emotional, psychological, and social well-being as a human. It has effects on how we think, feel, and act. It also helps us to determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices for ourselves. Mental health is important at every stages of our life, from childhood and adolescence through our adulthood.
I am not a mental healthcare professional nor I was trained in dealing with mental health issues. I am here to share my experiences and I who is also working on my own mental health daily. I openly want to share my story and my ongoing battle through this hard times.
Dealing with our mental health during this time of challenges makes us more strong and weak at the same time. With the risk and worries that the pandemic has brought us it makes us more and more alert and even think beforehand thus making all of us one with the dream of stopping this pandemic that deprived us of the life that we've been missing for almost 2 years.
Deaths and incidents cause by todays problems adds to the increasing negative mental health of everyone, by the feeling of loss and grieving and the part where everyone has to move on and accept the sudden loss of lives around them. Like this image.

But the fact that these situations are real and currently happening makes us realize eventually we have to face this and continue on our separate lives.
I myself as a student I'm doing my best to find ways to help myself and the good thing about it is i already found the reason to keep on going on my every struggles. It is in fact my family and friends. They're the ones who's there on my times of needs, breakdowns, and isolations. They help to keep me in-touch with them and be closer to them than ever.
With the use of what we are all familiar with, the technology and social media i can say for myself that I've been healed, helped and acknowledged by my family and friends these platforms helped me everyday to keep connected to everyone.

These are my go through whenever i feel discouraged and lonely. They are the one tap away to my safe zone and happy paradise. They give colors to my gloomy and grey days. We are social beings, with a need to interact, socialise and connect with one another. Social media is sometimes blamed for replacing face to face interactions, however for some people, social media is a great platform to facilitate and also initiate conversations with like-minded people and build friendships.
We as person has their own experience with stress and can find relief in different ways. When handling stress, it’s a good idea to start small with manageable steps and to build from there, don't be hesitant to ask and look for help for it is better to ask than endure something that we don't deserve in the first place.
Maybe the road through better and well being of our mind might be not easy but as long as we believe in ourselves and with the idea of us being happy at all aspects of our lives gives us the courage to live and continue to strive for the current day. Maybe sooner in the future we might see again the beautiful faces and smiles of everyone without the fear of judgements and worries. May we see everyone together again as one.
