Losing weight is one of the most difficult things I’ve ever tried, but if you really want it, you will do whatever it takes.

During the first 2 months of the pandemic, all I did was sleep, watch movies, read and eat, though I does sometimes help with household chores and this seemed to become my daily routine, but as times passes and I began to wonder how long this pandemic would last and if it takes a year or more than year, I realized that my daily routine was not healthy. So, what I did is I started doing a home workout and I admit it was difficult to adjust at first because everything was new to me but my motivation to continue is that I will become healthier because I get sick easily and it would also help me overcome my biggest insecurities in my physical appearance, which is my weight because when the pandemic started, I weighed about 62 kilograms, and for my height, which is 4’11, I am really overweight and because of my physical appearance, I feel like no one wants to be my friend, which really lowers my confidence.

Losing weight journey can sometimes be exhausting and challenging. Diet and exercise are the most effective ways to lose weight. It is also effective to encourage long-term and healthy weight loss. There are also many healthy tips that have helped me on my journey, and I will share some of them with all of you.
HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS TIPS: ✓Drink plenty of water, especially before meals. It is commonly believed that drinking water can benefit in weight loss, and I can testify that it is true. ✓Count your daily calorie intake you should be knowledgeable on how many calorie you should take per day. It is indeed useful to establish a calorie deficit by eat less calories than you usually do, but it’s also extremely important to ensure that you’ve been eating sufficient calories which provide your body with the nutrients it requires, even though you’re trying to lose weight. ✓Avoid eating too much sweets. ✓Avoid drinking too much soda or fruit juice. ✓Chew slowly when you eat. ✓Exercise at least 4 times a week. Physical activity can help individuals burn off the extra calories that you can’t get rid through diet alone.

Motivation is important in this journey because if you are not motivated to begin, you will never achieve your goals. You should also set goals for what weight you want to achieve so that you have something that could look forward to. Losing weight has taught me to be patient because as Jenna Wolfe says you didn’t gain all day your weight in one day; you won’t lose it in one day. Be patient with yourself. The above quotation is indeed very accurate, therefore in order to lose weight, we should be patient with ourselves because no one can make that possible but ourselves.