What is burnout?
Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands. As the stress continues, you begin to lose the interest and motivation that led you to take on a certain role in the first place. You might not notice it at first that's why maintaining a healthy mind is so important. Burnout is a gradual process. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it can creep up on you. The signs and symptoms are subtle at first, but become worse as time goes on. Think of the early symptoms as red flags that something is wrong that needs to be addressed. If you pay attention and actively reduce your stress, you can prevent a major breakdown. If you ignore them, you’ll eventually burn out.
There are many causes for the development of burnout syndrome. The decisive factor is above all the attitude towards one’s own performance at work and in everyday life. A high need to meet one’s own high demands as well as for appreciation and recognition is typical. At the same time, those affected pay little, hardly any or no attention to their own psychological and physical limits
These are the signs that you're burning out!
Exhaustion - Exhaustion can be emotional, mental or physical. It’s the sense of not having any energy, of being completely spent. Started a day with an exhausted mind.
Lack of motivation - when you don't feel like moving or working throughout the day. It may be harder to get going in the morning and more difficult to drag yourself into work every day.
Negative Emotions - you always think negatively and can't decide according to your plan. You may feel like what you’re doing doesn’t matter that much anymore, or you may be disillusioned with everything. You might notice that you feel more generally pessimistic than you used to.
Not taking care of yourself - You're not eating, doesn't sleep or you sleep too much, you always leave your room untidy.
Health problems - Overtime you can experience more serious health problems such as heart issues, digestive issues, depression and obesity. Headaches are more often. Unexplained muscle tension, pain, fatigue, and insomnia.
How to deal with this?
Ask for help if you need it. If you are struggling with burnout it may be beneficial to take a few days off work while you recover.
Get enough sleep. Turn off your screens and do something to relax before you go to bed at night. If your mental health is causing you to have problems falling asleep you can watch some videos to help you relax.
Talk to people you trust If you feel unsure of how to begin sorting through the causes of burnout and looking for ways to ease your stress, that’s normal. Burnout can become so overwhelming that determining how to address it still seems exhausting. It’s also hard to identify potential solutions when you feel completely spent. Involving a trusted loved one can help you feel supported and less alone. Friends, family members, and partners can help you brainstorm possible solutions. They’re close enough to your life to have some understanding of what works for you but still have enough distance to consider the situation with some clarity.