Jesus said in Matthew 5: 43-47 that, "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your friends, hate your enemies. 'But now I tell you: love your enemy and pray for those who presecute you." , to explain that people should love everyone, including their enemies. It is easy to love friends and family, but it is much more difficult to love those who you may not get along with, or those may harm you. To show love to your enemies is truly love as Christ did.
A good Samaritan is always there to help others in need or in trouble. They are the ones who are compassionate enough and not selfish in terms of helping. Through some good acts, they are happy to serve others in just small things. Showing a simple act of kindness to someone it means a lot to them. It can make people smile and be happy where they feel love and concern. Doing good things to others is one way of being generous and unselfish in expressing help.

Our measure of good is not who they are. Our own self-love and self-absorbed attitude it stands in our way of being a good Samaritan. Self-centered and petty emotions prevent us from helping someone we perceive as different from ourselves or unfriendly. When we say that we are too busy to help them, take notice on how we spend our time. In additional, we should also consider Christ message of looking people based on what they do and not on where they come from. Christ is showing us that God does not judge people based on their origin. Aside from this, He is convincing us that treating the needy as our brothers and sisters, and caring for them are the way to salvation.